Monday, December 2, 2013

Fuji Q Highland Eglence Parki, Fuji Q Highland Amusement Park, 富士急ハイランド

Otobusle gittik Shizuoka yakinlarina kadar ;) gitmek isteyenler icin kisa da bi bilgi vereyim, Shinjuku Bati cikisindan otobusler kalkiyor ve Fuji Q'ya kadar gidebiliyorsunuz. 1 gunluk free pass bilet ve otobus gidis donus parasi dahil 7200 yen yani yaklasik olarak 150TL kadar.
We went there by bus. If any of you are interested in going there, there are buses departing from the west exit of Shinjuku station. It costs about 7200 yen which is approximately 72 dolars. it also includes one day free pass for each attraction.
Fuji Q Highland denilen yer, dunyadaki en hizli, ya da yuksek roller coasterlara sahip eglence merkezi. Adrenalin sevenler icin ideal.
Fuji Q Highland Amusement park is the place for the adrenalin junkies:D there are the fastest, highest rollercoasters or any other attractions that you have to try at least once in a lifetim!
gece isiklandirma harikaydi. resimler asagida :)
night light up was great. You can see the pics below ;)
ilk buna bindik. en tepeye cikartiyor ve hizla asagi indiriyor. harika bir seydi ;)
This was the first thing we tried. It was amazing!

sonra sandal gibi bir seye bindik, yuksekten suya dusuyor ve butun su oldugu gibi ustunuzde. maalesef ayaklarimiz cok islandi ve aksama kadar donduk TT yaz eglencesi galiba bu...;D

After that, we tried this one in which you get on a thing like a boat, and it falls from high to the water. we got soaked TT my shoes was the wettest and we were cold till we leave. it might have been a better idea to try it in summer.

sansimiza hava superdi ve Fuji san harika gozukuyordu.
Luckily the weather was great and the Mt Fuji looked so clear!
 eejanaika denilen alet. acayip bir seydi. nasil donuyor asagi yukari saga sola... Superdi:D Bir tek bu resmi yakalayabildim, cunku acayip hizliydi;)
this one is called eejanaika. It was fascinating for me, it was rotating to anywhere. This is the only pic i could capture:D as it was really fast.
eejanaika'ya binebilmek icin 2 saat sira bekledik. abartisiz 2 saat!!!!
In order to get on eejanaika, we had to wait in the queue for two hours without any exaggeration!
senbe denilen, pirinc ezmesinden yapilan yiyecek. kirmizi biberlisi. bayiliyorum aciya;D
this is called senbe and it is made of rice. This is the chilly one that i love the most!:D

ogle yemegi zamani ;)
time for lunch;)
kori soslu noodle. ustune de aci sos ve peynir doktum;D
noodles with curry. I added chilly sauce and cheese on top of it;)

en sevdigim ;) Korku hastanesi. 4 katli hastane. yuruyerek bitirmeye calisiyorsun. gercekten acayip korkunc icerisi. ve dedikodulara gore gercekten de hayaletli hastaneymis. bilmiyorum tabi ne kadar dogru. icerde insandan hayaletler vardi ustunuze ustunuze geliyorlar. sonracima olu, kanli, orasi burasi kesilmis cocuk ya da buyuk maketleri. ama nasil gercekci. kapkaranlik ayrica. bir tek fenerle yuruyorsun. en korktugum da uzun koridorda arkadamizdan bizi kovalayan tekerlekli sandalyedeki olu adamdi ;( her katta acil cikis var isteyenler, korkuya dayanamayanlar icin ;) ama biz bitirebildik 4 kati da bir sey yasamadan ;)

This is the hospital i love the most ;D It is a spooky hospital in which there are many ghosts;D I dont know if it is true but some people believe that there are really REAL ghosts inside it. It has 4 floors and you have to finish it on foot. There are zombie like ghosts following you (actually people but they look so scary and real) there was blood everywhere and it was dark inside. you only have one light and you use it most of the time. The most scariest one was the dead guy chasing us with his wheelchair. omg! I wanna try it again and again. There were emergency exits for the ones that are really frightened! Luckily we could finish all the floors safe and sound ;)


dimdik cikan rollercoaster
it was a really steep one
Fujiyama denen bu rollercoaster da 70 metreye kadar cikip hizla iniyor. 3 dakikadan fazla surmustur belki de.
This rollercoaster is called Fujiyama and it climbs up to 70metres. It took 3 mins to finish a tour.
sans kedileri ;)
cats that bring luck;)

bundan sonraki fotolar da gece isiklandirmasinin fotolari ;)
the photos coming next are night ligh up photos ;)

her yerde Noel isiklari
Christmas lights are everywhere

hayaletli hastanenin pudingleri ;D
Spooky hospital puddings :D

aksam yemegimiz;)
Sebzeli hamburger, salata, pilav, tursu、rendelenmis tatli patates ;)
our dinner, hamburger wth vegetables, pickles, rice, salad, and grated yam;)

yine tatli patates ezmesi, inek dili, tursu, corba.
grated yam, beef tongue, pickles, and soup

pazar gunku aksam yemegimiz. Dolma!
Our Sunday dinner. Turkish meal called Dolma.

yesil mercimek yemegi:)
green lentil. Agan Turkish meal ;)

Havuclu, turplu tavuk corbasi ;)
Chicken soup with carrots and radish;)

Ainu Müzesi Porotokotan, Ainu Museum Porotokotan, アイヌ民族博物館

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