Monday, March 14, 2016

Biidoro Shibuya, びいどろ 渋谷店

Japonya'ya gelip, Shibuya'yi ziyaret etmeyen yoktur herhalde. Orada bir de Ispanya yokuşu diye bir yer var. Orayı da görmenizi tavsiye ederim. Alışveriş mekanları ve güzel restoranlar var.
Bu kez de orada gittiğim İspanyol restoranı hakkında yazacağım. Yolu düşüp gitmek isteyenler için link :) Japon yemegi sevmeyenler icin de bir alternatif :p

Anyone visiting Japan should visit Shibuya, too. There is Spain slope in Shibuya. It is also famous for its shopping places and yummy restaurants. I will write about one of the Spanish restaurants there. If you want to visit this restaurant, here is the link for you :) Another alternative for the ones who don't love Japanese food :p


Salata niyetine ^^
As a salad ^^

Bu da yine baska bir cesit salata:)
This is another kind of salad :)

Sarimsak soslu sebze yemegi. Yaninda ekmek de geliyor :)
Vegetable meal with garlic sauce. You can eat it with bread :)

Paella denilen Ispanyol yemegi. Icinde deniz urunleri vardi ^^ Turk damak tadina oldukca uygun. 
Paella, Spanish food including sea food. It was yummy in deed. Foreigners who love Mediterranean food will surely love this. 

Yemek sonrasi cilekli pasta^^
After eating the meal, they serve you strawberry cake^^

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City- Can Tho- Da Nang- Hue- Da Lat), ベトナム(ホーチミンシティ、カントー、ダナン、フエ、ダラット)

Öğrencilik zamanlarımdan beri tanıdığım yakın iki arkadaşımın Vietnam'da düğünlerine nedime olarak katıldım. Gitmişken de biraz gezdim birkaç şehrini.

I attended the wedding ceremony of two of my friends whom I have known since my university times, in Vietnam. I travelled around Vietnam too.


Teyze çok tatlı değil mi^^
Isn't the lady so cute ^^
Elektrik telleri... Ne tarafa baksam bu şekilde elektrik telleri.
Electric wires look scary. It was like that all around the city.

Ho Chi Minh sehrine gelecekseniz, District 1 denilen yerde kalmanizi tavsiye ederim. Hem merkezi hem de cok eglenceli^^
Benim kaldigim hostel. Hem ucuz hem de muhtesem ^^
If you visit Ho Chi Minh city, I recommend you to stay in District 1 area. It was not only the central part but also the most enjoyable place ^^ The hostel I stayed is this one. It was cheap and amazing!
もし、ホーチミンに来るなら是非ディストリクト 1で泊まってください^^めっちゃ中心で楽しいとこ〜

Her yer motorsiklet. Ne taraftan gelip ne tarafa gittiklerini anlamak icin epey bir caba harcamaniz gerekiyor:))
Karsidan karsiya gecmek hele, ne buyuk bi iskence :)
Bikes everywhere. It takes so much time to understand where these bikes are coming from and where they are going to.
Especially trying to cross over is a real pain in the ass :D
Ne zaman bir yere seyehat etsem, genelde couchsurfing yapiyorum. Bu kez de cok tatli bi kizin evine misafir oldum. Tam da yeni yili kutluyorlarmis ailesiyle. O yuzden bir suru ev yemegi denedim. Butun yemekleri koymak cok zaman alacagi icin, sadece en sevdigim yemegi koydum ^^ Pirinc kagidinin icine et-sebze koyup kizartmislar. Acili bir sosa bandirip yedik^^

Whenever I travel to somewhere, I try to meet people on couchsurfing. This time, I met a very cute Vietnamese girl and she invited me over her house. I was so lucky because she was celebrating the new year with her family, thus I could taste a lot of home-made Vietnamese food:)) I wanted to add all of the food photos but it would take so much time so I only add the one I liked the most ^^ This is fry of rice paper which consists of meat and vegetable. We dipped it into a spicy sauce and ate it happily :)))


Bu da yemekleri yapan anne ve torunu ^^
This is the mother, who cooked all the yummy food, with her grandson.

Sokaklar cıvıl cıvıl.
Chirpy streets.
Şeker kamışı suyu ve hindistan cevizi suyu satan abla.
The lady who sells sugar cane juice and coconut juice.

Taze hindistan cevizi suyu :)
Fresh coconut juice :)

Taze seker kamisi suyu ^^
Fresh sugar cane juice ^^

Vietnam'in Ataturk'u Ho Chi Minh liderleri :)
Vietnamese hero leader Ho Chi Minh:)

Cicek festivaline katildim. Gökyüzü harika bir renge büründü.
I attended flower fest. The sky had a great color^^

Vietnam'da kaldigim sure boyunca, genelde sokakta satilan yiyeceklerle beslendim :) Genelde herkes midesini bozuyormus ama cok sukur bana bir sey olmadi. Pis bogaz oldugum icin de olabilir :p
Most of the time, I ate street food :) I heard from many people that they always turn their stomach but I was lucky I guess because nothing happened to me :) oh it might be because I have a piggish stomach :D

Yine sokak yemegi ^^
Again street food ^^

Sabah kahvaltisi ^^ Etli pirinc eristesi corbasi^^
My breakfast ^^ Soup with meat and rice noodles^^
朝ごはん〜 ビーフンと肉のスープ〜

Festival girisinde motorsiklet park alani :)
Bike parking space just near the festival area :)
Cesit Cesit Vietnam yemegi vardi festival alaninda da ^^
Many Vietnamese food in the festival area ^^

Rengarenk :D
So colorful:D

nilüfer yaprakları guzel gozukse de, biraz pis kokuyordu su ><
Even the lily pad looks beautiful, the smell of the pool was a bit bad ><

Yol kenarinda taze hindistan cevizi suyu satan amca :)
The man is selling fresh coconut juice near the road :)

Abi fotografimi cekebilirsin deyip poz verdi. Sonra da zorla hindistan cevizi suyu satti :D Bu abilerin bi taktigiymis bu. Etraftaki butun turistlere yapiyorlarmis. Fotomu cekin deyip zorla satis yapiyorlarmis ^^ Dikkat yani :) Gerci hem ucuz hem de tadi mukemmel, o yuzden cok da sorun yok da :)
The man told me that I could take is photo and then he sold me his juice forcibly. I learnt later that this is their method. Many tourists around experienced the same. Anyway it was cheap and yummy, so no problem for me at all :D

Vietnam Savasi hakkindaki muzeyi ziyaret ettim. Cok acikli fotolar vardi. Kimyasal bombalarin etkileri (Agent Orange), onlardan etkilenenlerin resimlerini fln gorunce gercekten insan savastan ve ona sebep olanlardan nefret ediyor.

I visited Vietnam war museum. The photos were really tragic :( Many people had effects of chemical bombs (Agent Orange) and when you see all those photos, you hate the world, you hate the people causing wars, you hate everything about war;_;
本当に心落ち込んだ。化学爆弾(Agent Orange)のせいでいっぱいの人病気持って生まれてきたらしいし。そういう写真見ると世界も、戦争も、戦争に賛成する人も嫌いになる。。

1960'lar 1970'ler yaa :(
1960s and 1970s.. :(

Bir motoro çoluk çocuk bütün aile biniyor :)
Whole family rides on the same bike lol :)

Saigon Notre-Dame Bazilikası
Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral

Saigon Merkez postanesi ^^
Saigon Central post office ^^

Postane onunde boyle rengarenk ve uc boyutlu kartpostallar satiliyordu ^^
You can find such colorful and 3D postcards in front of the post office ^^

Vietnam usulü salata
Vietnamese salad roll
Hepsi de pilav :) Yapiskan pilav deniyor. Yesil olani denedim. O da hindistan cevizi ile karistirilmis pilav.
Epey tatliydi :)
This is all rice. It is called sticky rice. I tried the green one on the left. It was rice with coconuts inside. It was sweet ^^

Saigon'a tepeden bakis ^^
Looking at the Saigon from a higher building^^

Gecenin 12'sinde, ninesiyle meyve satan minik kiz ^^
Young girl is selling fruits at around 00:00 with her grandparent ^^

Bu da o kucuk kizdan aldigim meyve. Yedim, ama ne olduguna dair en ufak bi fikrim yok :)))
This is the fruit I bought from the girl above. I ate it but I don't have the slightest idea about what it is :)))

Baska bir gunden kahvaltim. Bu sefer tatli patatesli pirinc eristesi:)
Breakfast from another day :) It is rice noodles with sweet potato inside :)
Ho Chi Minh'den Can Tho'ya gitmek isteyenler Futa Express'i kullanabilir. En guvenilir firmaymis:) Ben de denedim, memnun da kaldim :D
If you want to go to Can Tho from Ho Chi Minh, you can use Futa Express. I am told that it is the safest one. and yeah I also tried and liked it ^^
ホーチミンからカントーに行きたいならFuta Expressというバスオススメです。安全と聞いた。乗ってみたら

Can Tho, irmak kenarinda bir sehir :)
Can Tho is a city that is located near the river:)

Ilginc bir sokak yemegi. Yaprak arasi bir seyler. Denedim tabi, ama ne olduguna dair yine en ufak bi fikrim yok:D
Tadi ilgincti yalniz:)
An interesting street food. Something inside the leaves. I tried it of course, but again no idea about what I tried :D
It tasted weird :D I liked it though ^^

Diger gun sabah 5'te Mekong irmagi uzerindeki Cai Rang adli yuzen markete gitmek icin yola ciktik :)
Next day at around 5am, we set off to go to Cai Rang floating market on Mekong river :)

Gunes dogarken^^
When the sun rises^^
Sabah erkenden bir suru insan geliyor. Teknede sebze-meyve satiyorlar.
Many people come by their boats to sell or buy vegetables and fruits.

Yüzen pazardan sonra Mekong ırmağında geziye çıktık yine tekne ile.
After visiting the floating market, we continued the tour on Mekong river.

Rehberimiz. Hic ingilizce konusamiyordu, ama vucut diliyle anlasabildik :D
Our tour guide. She could not speak a word of English. but we were able to communicate via body language:D

Pirinç kağıdı fabrikası. Küçücük bir fabrika^^
Rice paper factory. It was a very tiny and small one tho ^^

Pirinc kagitlarini boyle gunes altina serip kurutuyorlarmis:)
They put the rice papers like that to dry them up^^

Mekong irmaginda gezerken ^^
While touring on Mekong river ^^

Başka bir yüzen pazara daha geldik. Daha küçük ama çok daha candandı :)
We visited another floating market. This one was smaller but much more candid^^

Rehberimiz ile satici teyze konusurken ^^
While our tour guide and the saleslady were talking ^^

Degisik bir suru meyve vardi:)
Many different kinds of fruits were being sold:)

Yuzen marketten alip denedigimiz meyve. Ne oldugunu bilmiyorum ama :D
Tadi hurma gibiydi:)
We bought this from the floating market. I don't know what it is but it tasted like persimmon:)

Mekong irmaginda gezerken ^^
While touring on Mekong river ^^

Mekong irmaginda gezerken ^^
While touring on Mekong river ^^

Bu da bir meyveymis ^^ (Durian)
This is also fruit^^(Durian fruit)

Yerel halk da teknelerle oraya buraya gidiyordu ^^
Even the locals were commuting by the boats ^^

Yerel halk da teknelerle oraya buraya gidiyordu ^^
Even the locals were commuting by the boats ^^
Köye de götürdüler turla. Doğası harika:)
They even took us to a village. The nature is amazing :)
Köyde dolaşırken~
While walking around the village~

Köyde dolaşırken~
While walking around the village~

Rehber teyze muz yapraklariyla yapmis ^^ Hediye etti sagolsun.
Our tour guide gave this as a present to me. She made it with banana leaves.

Köyde dolaşırken~
While walking around the village~

Böyle evlerde yaşayan çok insan var. Hatta bu ırmakta yıkanan birkaç kişi bile gördük.
There  are many people living in these houses. We even saw some people washing their bodies in the river.

Aksam yemegi~ Ananas ustune fasulye~
Dinner~ Beans on pineapple.

Sonunda düğün için Hue'ye geldik:) Düğünden önceki akşam Japonya'dan düğüne katılanlar olarak yemek yedik^^
Finally we are in Hue for the wedding. This photo was taken one night before the wedding. We ate dinner all together with the people coming from Japan ^^

Aile içi düğün sabah 6'da başladı. Nedimeler olarak bizler de katıldık.
Family wedding started at 6 am in the morning. We also attended the wedding as bridesmaid ^^

Gelin nedimelere para verirken.
While the bride was giving money to the bridesmaid.

Damat da erkek nedimlere para verirken ^^
While the groom was giving money to the groommaids. lol

Gelin ve Damat ile biz :)
We took photo with the bride and groom:)

Diğer gün de Da Lat şehrine gezmeye gittim^^
I went to Da Lat city next day ^^

Ibadet eden insanlar.
People are worshipping.

Da Lat'da gezerken^^ Burasi Thien Vien Truc Lam~
While touring around Da Lat^^ Here is Thien Vien Truc Lam
ダラットでツアー〜 Thien Vien Truc Lamという所^^

Thien Vien Truc Lam'dan yürüyerek 15 dakikada varılan nehir kenarı.
You can get to here from Thien Vien Truc Lam by walking and it takes 15mins at most.
Thien Vien Truc Lamから歩いて15分で着けるいい所発見^^

Datanla şelalesine böyle hız trenleri ile inebiliyorsunuz. Tabii ki denedim:D Harika.
You can get to Datanla waterfalls by using jet coaster. It was so much fun:D

Birayla muz hindistan cevizi karıştırıp ilginç bir içki yapıyorlardı. Sağolsunlar bana da denettiler:D güzeldi:)))
They were making beers by mixing beer, banana and coconuts. They let me try also. It was good:))

Cok tatli^^
She is cute^^

Datanla selalesi^^
Datanla waterfall^^

Crazy house denilen Cilgin ev. Simdi otel ve gezilip gorulecek bir yer olarak kullaniyorlarmis^^
This is called Crazy house. It was crazy indeed^^ Now they are using it as a hotel and sightseeing place.

Her yoruldugumda mutlaka ictigim taze hindistan cevizi suyu ^^
Whenever I got tired, I drank coconut juice :))

Japonya'ya donmeden son foto Da Lat sehir merkezinden ^^
Last photo from the city centre of Da Lat before going back to Japan^^

Ainu Müzesi Porotokotan, Ainu Museum Porotokotan, アイヌ民族博物館

Öncelikle Ainu insanları hakkında biraz bilgi vereyim.   Japonya'nın kuzeyinde bulunan Hokkaido Adası, Kuril Adaları ve Sakalin'in y...