Gecen haftasonu, Yokohama'ya Alman Bira festivaline katildik arkadaslarla :) Yokohama, Tokyo'dan 45 dakika uzaklikta ve tren ucreti olarak datek yon 10 liraya yakin:) Gelen olursa mutlaka gidip gorsun derim, Cin kasabasi, gece manzarasi, festivalleri ile meshurdur! ^^
Last weekend, me and some of my friends joined a German beer fest in Yokohama which is 45 mins far from Tokyo by train and it costs around 5 dollars for one-way~ If you have any chance of coming to Tokyo, I strongly recommend you to visit that lovely place~ It is famous for its one of the biggest China towns in Japan, its night view and festivals :)
Festivalden once yakiniku, yani izgara et yemeye gittik:) Bu da benim yemegim.
We went to eat yakiniku which is grilled meat before the festival, and this is my meal.
家の近くの焼き肉屋さんに行ってきました。すごく美味しい肉食べれて嬉しい! |
Izgarada kendin pisir kendin ye usulu :p
Self-catering style :)
焼き肉大好きw |
Yokohama'ya ust gecitten bir bakis
Taking a pic of Yokohama from an overpass
オーバーパスからの横浜の景色 |
Epey kalabalikti~
It was quite crowded~
とても込んでいた〜 |
Fruchling Festival |
Kucuk standlar kurulmus ve Alman yemekleri ve birasi satiyorlardi:)
There were many small stalls where they were selling German food and beer:)
こういう小さい屋台でドイツの食べ物とビール売ってた!〜 |
My friends^^
友達だ!^^ |
Hayatimda ilk defa yesil elma birasi ictim :p
First time in my life, I have tried green apple beer:p
人生で初めて青いりんごのビール飲んでみましたw |
Sahnede Alman amcalar sarkilar soyluyor millet de cosuyordu :p
On the stage, German oldies but goldies were singing songs :D and people were dancing around~
ステージにドイツ人のおじさん達歌ってて皆ダンスしながら盛り上がってた〜 |
My friends^^
友達だ!^^ |
Yokohama gece manzarasi
Yokohama night view
横浜の夜景! |
Diger gun de ogle yemegine tako-raisu dedikleri ispanyol usulu soslu cipsli etli pilav denedim~
I ate tako-raisu in the following day and this is kinda Spanish food I guess: sauce, chips and meat on the top of rice~