Thursday, September 10, 2015

Kijitei Hoeiso Ryokan, 雉子亭 豊栄荘

Ryokan, geleneksel Japon evlerinde konaklama firsati sunan otel tarzi yerlerdir^^ Dogumgunumde 1 gunlugune Hakone'de ryokanda kalma hediyesi aldim :D Tecrube ettigim en guzel tatillerden biriydi.
Yemekler ozellikle!!! Geleneksel Japon tarzi yemekler:) Leziz otesi!!! Hep diyorum, Japon mutfagi muhtesem:)))) Sonra bir de acik hava rotenburo (hamam) vardi, orayi da fotoladim sizler icin^^ Hakone'de bu ryokanda kalmak isteyenler icin iste link ^^

Ryokan is traditional Japanese style hotels. I had a gift of a-day-ryokan in my birthday, so I stayed in ryokan for the first time in my life in Hakone ^^ One of the best holidays I have ever had so far. I fell in love especially with the food!!! So yummy! There was rotenburo (open-air-bath) as well and I had photos of it too! just for you :p If you wanna stay in this ryokan, here is the link for you ^^

誕生日プレゼントとして旅館で一泊のプレゼントもらいました^^何よりもいいプレゼントだったと思う!本当にありがとうぅぅしょうちゃん!箱根でめっちゃいい旅館で泊まって美味しいご飯食べたりお酒飲んだり、温泉に入ったりしてた^^もし箱根のこの温泉に行きたい方が居たらどうぞご覧下さい! ^^

En hizli olmasa da yine de bi nebze hizli trenle gittik.
We went there by express train which was fast enough^^

Trende shuumai keyfi :D (icinde et var, mantiya biraz benziyor)
Eating shuumai in the train (dumplings that include meat inside)

Japonya'da bento denilen boyle kutular cok meshur. Icinde et,sebze yemegi, pilav yumurta tursu vb ne arasaniz var ^^
This is called Japanese bento^^ You can find anything in it: rice, meat, vegetable, pickles, eggs..^^

cig uskumru baligi sushi seklinde^^
Mackerel sushi^^

manzaraya karsi bento^^
Eating bento by seeing nice view from the train^^
Sonunda Hakone'ye vardik^^
Finally we are in Hakone^^

Sonunda Hakone'ye vardik^^
Finally we are in Hakone^^

Ryokanin balkonu^^
Balcony in the ryokan^^

Ryokanin oturma odasi^^
Living room in Ryokan^^

Ryokan'da yemek odasi^^
Dining room in Ryokan^^
Aksama dogru iyice sis kapladi^^
It became foggier outside in the evening^^
Aksama dogru iyice sis kapladi^^
It became foggier outside in the evening^^
Yemegi hangi sirayla yememiz gerektigi, yemege dair aciklamalarin yazdigi kagit^^
In this paper, you can find out the order of eating dinner, i mean it shows you from which food to start and continue^^

Geleneksel ryokan yemekleri^^ Cesit cesit sebzeler, etler ve balik urunleri^^ bir de cok şık bir sekilde sunulmus^^
Traditional ryokan food^^ various vegetables, meat, fish products. The presentation of the food is very stylish too^^

hayatımda ilk defa çiğ sülün kuşu eti yedim^^güzeldi!
For the first time in my life, I have had the chance of eating raw pheasant meat^^ yummy!

Nabe malzemeleri^^ Nabe nedir diye soranlar icin, cesitli sebzeleri, sevdiginiz turden eti buyuk bir tencerede corba icinde haslayip afiyetle yiyorsunuz:)
Ingredients for Nabe^^ Nabe is hot pot in which there are various vegetables, the meat you like etc and then you boil them in a soup^^


hafif eksili sosa bandirilmis yengec eti ve balik ezmesi^^
crabmeat and fish paste in a bit sour sauce^^

Nabeye koymalik cig sulun kusu eti^^
Raw pheasant meat to add into the nabe^^

Nabe kaynamaya basladi^^
Nabe has started to boil^^

Kirmizi Miso corbasi^^
Red Miso soup^^
barbekuluk mantar, havuc (yengec seklinde^^;) sogan ve sulun kusu eti.
Onion, carrot (in the shape of a crab^^;), mushroom and pheasant meat for the BBQ^^
Atese koyduk bakalim^^
We put them on fire ^^

yemeye hazir ^^
time to eat^^

Kapanis yemegi ^^ Nabeden arta kalan suya pilav ekleyip ustune yumurta kirip afiyetle yedik^^
This is the closing food^^ You put rice and eggs to the remaining soup from the Nabe^^

En sonda tatli^^ soldaki pirincli dondurma, sagdaki de kremali pasta^^
Dessert time^^ The on on the left is ice cream with rice and the one on the right is creamy cake^^
Balkondan manzara. Semsiyeliler de hamama gidenler^^
The view from the balcony. People carrying umbrellas are the ones going to the open-air-bath^^

Ben de rotenburoya gitmeye hazirim^^ Ryokanlarda ustunuze, yukata denilen bu geleneksel japon kiyafetlerini veriyorlar^^ hem cok rahat hem de püfür püfür^^
I am also ready to go to rotenburo^^ The clothes I am wearing is called Yukata and it is traditional Japanese style clothes which you can wear in Ryokans. So comfortable and keeps you cool ^^

Rotenburo hemen nehirin yaninda^^
Rotenburo is very closed to the river^^
Iste rotenburo bu^^ dogadan gelen sicacik kaynak suyu^^ pazar gunu gittigimiz icin kimsecikler yoktu^^ tek basima girdim harikaydi:) (Kadinlar-erkekler ayri)
This is rotenburo. The water comes from the nature and its hot and good for the body^^ As I was there on Sunday, there were not many people^^ I enjoyed the bath by myself. (Women and men are in different baths^^)

Karadeniz gibi dogasi^^
The nature here looks like Black Sea in Turkey^^

very green^^

very green^^
Onsene girmeden once, burada iyice bi vucudunuzu yikiyorsunuz^^
You have to cleanse before you enter the hot spring^^

temizlendikten sonra da kapalı onsene (hamam) giriyorsunuz^^
This is hot spring too^^ and after you cleanse yourself, you can enter it^^

bu da kapalı onsen (hamam)
This is hot spring too^^
Sabah kahvaltisi da geleneksel tarzda^^
Even the breakfast is very traditional^^

Salata pilav^^
Salad and rice^^

Salatayi sonra karistiriyorsunuz. Sari seyler cicek yapragi^^ onlar da yeniyormus~
You mix the salad with the sauce. The ones looking yellow are petals^^

Miso corbasi ^^ Japon usulu kahvaltinin olmazsa olmazi^^
Miso soup^^ a must in a Japanese breakfast^^

Tofu! Bir cesit fasulyeden yapiliyormus^^
Tofu^^ a kind of beans^^
Donuste tapinaga da ugradik^^
We stopped by the temple on the way back to the station^^

Tapinagin bahcesinden~
Garden view of the temple^^

Tapinagin hemen yaninda mezarlik vardi. Bu da cook eskilerden kalma mezarlikmis.
There was a graveyard near the temple. and this tomb is remained from the old times~

Japon mezarligi. Burada oluler yakildigi icin, bu mezarlarda arta kalan kemikler varmis~
Japanese graveyard. Here people are burnt once they die. In these tombs, remaining bones are buried.

Mezarliktan cikip istasyona giderken boyle bir dag yolundan gittik :p
We used this mountain path to go back to the station :p

Istasyonda, gelen tren karsisinda saygiyla egilen temizlikci teyzeler. Treni temizliyorlar diger yolcular binmeden once.
These cleaning ladies are vailing just near the train for the respect. and then they clean the train before it departs~

Trenin bu kez oda seklineki kisminda yolculuk ettik^^
We travelled in the room-part of train~

Donus yolunda trenden bir manzara :)
Nice view from the train on the return way :)

Ainu Müzesi Porotokotan, Ainu Museum Porotokotan, アイヌ民族博物館

Öncelikle Ainu insanları hakkında biraz bilgi vereyim.   Japonya'nın kuzeyinde bulunan Hokkaido Adası, Kuril Adaları ve Sakalin'in y...