I will stay in Turkey for 3 months. Me and my friends visited Batumi during the holiday. Because, it takes only 3.5 hours to go to Batumi from Trabzon. You can take Ulusoy mini buses until Sarp Georgia border (25 TL one way) After crossing the border, we took the mini bus to the city centre. As we did not exchange our Turkish Lira to Georgian Lari, we used Turkish Lira to pay in the mini bus. Many places accept Turkish Lira. Also Turkish language is being spoken commonly ^^ Even if they cannot speak fluently, they do understand you ^^ So we used Turkish in the restaurants, buses, taxis, markets:D so great ^^
これから三ヶ月間トルコにいます^^休みだったので、トラブゾンというトルコの街からバトゥミに遊びに行ってきた^^トラブゾンからバトゥミまでUlusoyのミニバスで3時間半かかった(片道25TL=大体1100円かな〜) Sarp Border Gateまでバスで行けた。そこから歩いてバトゥミに入れた^^そのあとは、また別のミニバスに乗って、街の中心まで行った〜
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Gurcu Birasi Georgian Beer ジョージアのビール |
Khachapuri denilen peynirli yumurtali pide^^ Traditional eggs-cheese-filled bread which is called Khachapuri^^ ハチャプリという伝統的なパン。中にチーズと卵が入ってます^^うまいっす! |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Bize sarap dolduran abi :p The young man filling wine for us:p お兄さんは私たちにワイン入れてます^^ |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Avrupa'daki meydanlar gibi meydanlar da vardi ^^ There are European style squares in Batumi^^ バトゥミではヨーロッパみたいな広場もあったの^^ |
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Meydanda biz^^ We are relaxing in the square^^ 広場で休憩中^^ |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Sehirden gece manzaralari^^ Night scenery of the city^^ 街内の夜景^^ |
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Eylul'de huzur doluydu Batum Batumi was full of peace in September バトゥミは九月に平和の街だ^^ |
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Denizde sarap keyfi :p:p Drinking wine in the sea:p:p 海でワインを楽しんでますw |
Batum meydanda geceleri muzik esliginde cesmede su gosterisi oluyor^^ In the Batumi central area, there is fountain show with music at nights^^ バトゥミでは夜になると噴水ショーが始まります^^ |
Kizlari tutabilene ask olsun^^ Elif and Tugce can't help dancing ^^ 友達によってはダンスするしかなかったw |
Gecesi ayri guzel^^ Night there is fascinating^^ 夜景も綺麗だ^^ |
Etli sebzeli Gurcu yemegi ^^ adini unuttum ^^; Georgian food including meat and vegetables ^^ I forgot the name^^; 名前忘れてしまったけど美味しい伝統的な料理でござるw |
Etli patatesli kisnis otlu geleneksel yemek^^ Traditional food including potato, meat and coriander^^ 肉やジャガイモとか含めてる伝統的な料理。パクチーも入っててびっくり! |
Canli muzik esliginde aksam yemegi^^ We had our dinner by listening to live music^^ ライブを楽しみながら晩御飯をいただきました^^ |
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Meshur armut gazozu^^ Famous pear drink^^ 有名な梨ジュース^^ |
Sahil seridi boyunca yurumenizi tavsiye ederim^^ I recommend you to walk along coast^^ 海岸線で歩きべきだと思います^^ |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Kişniş otlu et suyuna çorba^^ Broth including coriander^^ パクチー入ってるブロス^^ |
Kizarmis tavuk :D Roasted chicken:D ローストチキン:D |
Sehir manzaralari^^ Scenery of the city^^ 街内の景色^^ |
Sho chan ve dev ayakkabilari^^ Sho chan with his huge shoes^^ かっこいいしょうちゃんとでっかい靴w |
Gun batimi muhtesem^^ Sunset is amazing^^ 日の入りはすごく綺麗^^ |
Geleneksel et yemegi^^ Traditional meat food^^ 伝統的な肉料理^^ |
et-patates kizartmasi^^ Meat and potato fry^^ 肉とポテトチップス^^ |
Ters restoran :D Reverse White restaurant :D さかさまなレストランだw |