Bu kez de orada gittiğim İspanyol restoranı hakkında yazacağım. Yolu düşüp gitmek isteyenler için link :) Japon yemegi sevmeyenler icin de bir alternatif :p
Anyone visiting Japan should visit Shibuya, too. There is Spain slope in Shibuya. It is also famous for its shopping places and yummy restaurants. I will write about one of the Spanish restaurants there. If you want to visit this restaurant, here is the link for you :) Another alternative for the ones who don't love Japanese food :p
Salata niyetine ^^ As a salad ^^ サラダに^^ |
Bu da yine baska bir cesit salata:) This is another kind of salad :) 別のサラダ^^ |
Sarimsak soslu sebze yemegi. Yaninda ekmek de geliyor :) Vegetable meal with garlic sauce. You can eat it with bread :) 野菜のアヒージョ^^パンと一緒に食べた^^ |
Yemek sonrasi cilekli pasta^^ After eating the meal, they serve you strawberry cake^^ 食後にイチゴケーキ^^ |