Sabah kahvaltisi olarak Japonlar, ekmek fln yemiyorlar, genelde pirinc pilavi, natto denilen fasulye (bunu da ilerde detaylarla aciklicam), balik, miso corbasi ve sebze yiyorlar. ee bu da bize hic uymadigi icin, ilk gun sagolsun Kasus Turk kahvaltisi hazirlamisti bana, hem de ince belli bardak bile vardi ˆˆ
My first time in Japan was 2010 when i came to Shizuoka as an exchange student. As it was my first time in Japan, my dear friends Kasumi and Kayo came to take me from the airport and we went to Kasumi`s place where she was living with her family. In the fist picture, you can see traditional Japanese food that her mom cooked for us ˆˆ as this was quite a long time ago, i don`t remember the details about the food, but in my following posts, i will write each food in detail ˆˆ sorry guys ><
Second and third picture is the breakfast that Kasumi prepared for me, its a Turkish style breakfast;D As Japanese breakfast and Turkish breakfast is really different from each other, she thought it could be a good idea to serve her a Turkish breakfast until she got used to Japanese one (rice, natto which is kind of rotten beans, miso soup and a vegetable)
私は日本に初めて来た時は2010でした。その時は静岡県立大学で留学生でした。最初の日に岐阜に行ったんです。なぜかというとめっちゃ仲良い友達かすみの家で泊まらせてもらいましたので。かよというもう一人の仲良い友達も一緒にいました。最初のご飯としてはお母さんの作ってくれた一番にある写真の物を食べました、なんかトルコ食と日本食がめっちゃ違うから最初は大変でした。残したら失礼かと思ったので水と無理やり飲み込んだり全然噛まないで食べたりしたので本当に困ったんですwでももう日本食最高に好きです〜二番と三番にある写真はトルコ風な朝ご飯です^^ かすみちゃんが思いやりがありすぎるので日本の朝ご飯食べれないかもって思ってトルコの朝ご飯を作ってくれました。焼きたてパンとトルコのコップで紅茶です。
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