Monday, November 11, 2013

Singapur Yemegi ve Ufo Catcher, Singapore Food and Ufo Catcher, シンガポール料理とUFOキャッチャー

tavuk suyuna sebzeli corba, pilav, tavuk kizartmasi, ve tavugu bandirdigimiz soslar, aci sos, eksili sirke, zencefil sosu
soup with chicken and vegetable, rice as always, fried chicken, and sauces that i dip the chicken inside: spicy sauce, sour vinegar, ginger sauce

domuz eti corbasi, borek, eksi sirke sosu, pilav
pork soup, pastry, sour vinegar sauce and rice

Ufo catcher her yerde. Dugmelere basarak, icerdeki oyuncagi yakalamaya calisiyoruz:D bir oyun genelde 100 yen (2lira gibi)
Ufo catcher everywhere. We are trying to get the prize by pressing the leading buttons. One game costs 100 yen(1 dolar) mostly.

Bu da benim yakaladigim oyuncak;)
This is what I got ;)

Ne ararsaniz var :D
You can find anything you like:D

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