Friday, January 24, 2014

Arashiyama, 嵐山

Kyoto'nun batisinda kucuk bi yer Arashiyama. Bambu ormani, leziz yemekleri, tapinaklari ve dogasi meshur.
Arashiyama is a district on the western outskirt of Kyoto. It has a big bamboo forest, tasty food, temples and the nature is amazing!

Arashiyama Bambu ormani:)
Arashiyama bamboo forest:)

100 yen atarak fal cekebiliyorsun:)
by putting 100 yen inside the box, you can have a fortune:)

Tenryuji Zen Tapinagi. Dunya miras listesinde yer aliyormus.
Tenryuji Zen Temple. It is registered as a world heritage site.
Tapinagin icinden bi resim. Bu resimde ne goruyorsaniz sizi yansitiyormus. mesela bazilari adami guluyor olarak goruyormus, bazilari kiziyor olarak goruyormus. Ben sinsi bi bakis sanmistim :p
The picture inside of the temple. It was written that whatever you see in this picture reflects you. For example, some people see it as a smiling face, some other say it is an angry face. I thought it was a sneaky face :p

Tapinagin bahcesinden
Garden of the Temple

Dilek diliyip para atmaya calisiyorlar kurbaganin onundeki alana
You wish something and try to throw money inside of the plate in front of the frog

Budist yemegi olarak bilinen sadece sebzelerden olusan ogle yemegim. Budistler (hepsi olmasa da cogu vejeteryan ya da veganmis) hic bir canliyi aci cekerek oldurmek istemedikleri icin, sadece sebze ya da baklagiller yiyerek yasiyorlarmis. boylelikle etten alamadiklari vitamini sebzelerle dengelemeye calisiyorlarmis ve gercekten de dengeleyebiliyorlarmis. Et yemesek de yasayabiliriz yani.

This is called Buddhist cuisine. As you might know, most Buddhist people do not eat meat as they don't want to kill animals by torturing them, they try to eat vegan meal. They try to get the same vitamins and energy from the vegetables or leguminous plants instead of eating meat, which means we can all live long without eating meat.


Bu da yine Budist yemeklerinden.
This is again Buddhist Food.

Pilavli Tofu(bir cesit fasulye) yemegi
Rice and Tofu (kind of beans) meal

Sebze Tursusu
Vegetable pickles

Tempura. Havuc ve fasulye kizartmasi. Sagdaki ise yesil caydan yapilan tuz.
Tempura. Carrot and bean fry. The one on the right is salt made of green tea.

Pilav ezmesi (tatli)
Rice dumplings (sweet)

Bu da bir cesit misolu tofulu Budist yemegi.
This is also Buddhist meal made of miso and tofu.

Susamli Tofu
Sesame Tofu

Soya fasulyesinden yapilan Yuba denilen yemek.
This is called Yuba and made of soya beans.

Miso corbasi. olmazsa olmaz:)
Absolute must miso soup:)

Restorandan disari bakarken gordugum iki Geysa:)
Two Geisha ladies that i saw while looking outside from the restaurant :)

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