Arashiyama Bambu ormani:) Arashiyama bamboo forest:) 嵐山のバンブーの森^^ |
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100 yen atarak fal cekebiliyorsun:) by putting 100 yen inside the box, you can have a fortune:) 100円入れて占いもらえる^^ |
Tenryuji Zen Tapinagi. Dunya miras listesinde yer aliyormus. Tenryuji Zen Temple. It is registered as a world heritage site. 天龍寺。本当に感動します。 |
Tapinagin bahcesinden Garden of the Temple 神社の庭 |
Dilek diliyip para atmaya calisiyorlar kurbaganin onundeki alana You wish something and try to throw money inside of the plate in front of the frog なんかお願いしてかえるの前にあるとこにお金入れるんだって |
Bu da yine Budist yemeklerinden. This is again Buddhist Food. また精進料理! |
Pilavli Tofu(bir cesit fasulye) yemegi Rice and Tofu (kind of beans) meal あんかけご飯だ! |
Sebze Tursusu Vegetable pickles 漬け物 |
Tempura. Havuc ve fasulye kizartmasi. Sagdaki ise yesil caydan yapilan tuz. Tempura. Carrot and bean fry. The one on the right is salt made of green tea. 天ぷら。一番右のはお茶から作られてる塩だって。 |
Pilav ezmesi (tatli) Rice dumplings (sweet) わらび餅 |
Bu da bir cesit misolu tofulu Budist yemegi. This is also Buddhist meal made of miso and tofu. 豆腐とみそから作られてる精進料理だ! |
Susamli Tofu Sesame Tofu ごま豆腐!うますぎる!絶対に食べてみてくださいね |
Soya fasulyesinden yapilan Yuba denilen yemek. This is called Yuba and made of soya beans. ゆば!美味しい! |
Miso corbasi. olmazsa olmaz:) Absolute must miso soup:) みそ汁^^ |
Restorandan disari bakarken gordugum iki Geysa:) Two Geisha ladies that i saw while looking outside from the restaurant :) レストランから外を見たら二人芸者を見ました!^^ |
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