Unfortunately I was very busy in December so i could not write anything to my blog. However I had 9-days-holiday during which I went to several cities in Japan. I will add all of the photos little by little ;)
Hiroshima'dan vapurla Miyajima'ya On the way to Miyajima from Hiroshima by boat 広島から宮島の船 |
Hepsi melek! Nasil ilgilendiler, nasil gezdirdiler beni. They are all angels! They took care of me a lot and took me around! 皆大好き!天使みんな本当に!いろんなお世話になりました。 |
Miyajima Istasyonu Miyajima Station 宮島の駅 |
Rehberimiz :) Our tour guide:) ガイドのたぬきさん!ありがとうございました。 |
Geyikler her yerde:) Deers everywhere! しかどこでもいるなw |
Miyajima sokaklarindan Streets of Miyajima 宮島の通り |
Misaki chan, Riri chan ve Sho chan ile:) With Misaki chan, Riri chan and Sho chan :) 大好きな友人みさきちゃんとりりちゃん! |
Itsukushima Tapinagi Itsukushima Shrine |
Nasil tatlilar ya! They are all cute! 可愛いでしょ! |
Adanin meshur ickisini denedik:) we tried the famous alcohol of the island:) 有名なお酒だって! |
midye kizartmasi mussel fry かいフライ |
hamsi kizartmasi ;) anchovy fty :) イワシのフライ |
Pilavustu yilan baligi, miso corbasi, tursular ve portakal eel on top of rice, miso soup, various pickles and orange うなぎ大好き!もともと静岡だから私w |
Dev baliklar:) giant fish:) こい! |
teleferikle Misen dagi yolunda :) on the way to the mount Misen by ropeway:) ロープウェーと山みせんに行った! |
Teleferikten manzara View from the ropeway ロープウェーからの景色! |
cesit cesit tanri oldugu icin Japonya'da, yol boyu boyle anitlar gorebilirsiniz:) there are different kinds of gods in Japan so you can see such monuments on the way:) 日本の神様っていろいろいますよね! |
teleferikten inip 40 dk yol giderek en tepeye ulastik. after getting off the ropeway, we had to walk like 40 mins to get to the peak. ロープウェー降りてから一番上までいくために40分ぐらい歩いた!やっと着いた! |
Meshur kapi buradan da goruluyor:) you can see the famous gate from here as well :) 宮島の鳥居ここからも見えるね |
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Ojizosan dedikleri tanri gibi nitelendirilen anitlar these are called Ojizosan and they can be labeled as gods おじぞさん! |
her yerde karsimiza cikiyorlar, ilk baslarda biraz korkuyordum. We can see them any places, I was a bit afraid at the beginning. 最初はちょっと怖がりましたけどもう慣れて来た。おじぞさんについてもっと知りたい! |
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iste boyle tasiyorlar they carry the carriage like that 本当に強いね |
Dagdan dondugumuzde kapinin etrafina deniz gelmisti bile:) when we came back from the mountain, around of the gate was covered with sea already :) 山から降りてからゲートの周りはもう海でした! |
cig balik ve sebzeler raw fish and vegetables 刺身! |
domuz yanagi! guzeldi the cheek of a pig. it was yummy in deed. 豚のほっぺ肉!うまかった |
oden denilen japon yemegi. This is called oden. おでんもやっぱり美味しいね! |
Gyoza denilen manti benzeri yemek. icinde et ve lahana var. This is called Gyoza and there is meat and cabbage inside. ぎょざも美味しい! |
az pismis inek dili. cok guzeldi :) rare cow tongue meat. it was yummy!! 牛タン!今まで食べた牛タンで多分一番うまいのこれでした! |
noodles |
Japonlar isiklandirmalara bayiliyor:D Japanese people love light up!:D 日本でライトアップって有名ね! |
Benim Japonyadaki annem babam sayilirlar:D They are my Japanese parents. 日本のお父さんとお母さん!いつもありがとうございます! |
Tanuki san :) altmis kusur yasinda ama her yerinden enerji fiskiriyor:) masallah. Tanuki san is a really energitic and a lovely old man! :) たぬきさんいろいろお世話になりました。ありがとうございました。
Enerjileri bitmedi yeminle :) They were energetic all the time:) 三人もいつも元気で羨ましいな!w |
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