Kamakura and Enoshima is one hour far from Tokyo. You can buy a one day free pass which costs around 15 dollars. You can have a round trip ticket and also you can use your pass there while getting on the trains. If you have chance to come to Tokyo, please go there as well ^^
Kamakura Istasyonu Kamakura Station 鎌倉駅に着いた |
Kamakura'daki Ilk Tapinak ziyaretimiz Our first Temple visit in Kamakura 鎌倉に行って最初に訪問したお寺 |
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Tapinagin icinden ve bahcesinden manzaralar Some photos inside of the Temple and its garden これからの写真はお寺の庭とか中とかの写真だ |
Tapinagin bahcesindeki bambu ormani Hōkoku-ji (報国寺) Bamboo forest inside of the temple Hōkoku-ji (報国寺) 報国寺のバンブー森や! |
Canim arkadaslarim Gokhan ve Seda :) My dear friends Gokhan and Seda:) 私の友人セダとギョクハン^^ |
Tapinagin bahcesinden Garden of the Temple お寺の庭 |
Tapinagin bahcesindeki bambu ormani Hōkoku-ji (報国寺) Bamboo forest inside of the temple Hōkoku-ji (報国寺) 報国寺のバンブー森や! |
Tapinak Temple お寺 |
Hepimiz^^ All of us ^^ 私たちや |
Yesil cay icerek tatli yiyerek dinlendik:) We had a rest by drinking green tea and eating sweets:) 抹茶を飲んだりデザートを食ったりしながら休憩しましたわ |
Japon teyze yesil cay ve tatli hakkinda aciklama yapiyor. The lady is making a brief explanation about the green tea and the sweets. 飲み方とか食べ方の説明 |
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Kimonolu genc kizlar:) Young ladies with their kimonos:) 可愛いお姉さん達だ!^^ |
Kamakura sokaklari Kamakura streets 鎌倉って言う感じだよね |
Gokhan ve ben :p Gokhan and me^^ ギョクハンとうち |
Baska bir tapinak Other Temple もう一つのお寺 |
Iyiki geldiniz^^ I am really glad that they came to Japan^^ 友達と先生来て嬉しかったわ |
Ilk sushi deneyimi^^ Their first sushi experience^^ 初めてのすし経験だ^^ |
Yuksel hocamin ilk sushi yiyisi^^ My teacher's first experience as well^^ 先生も初めて食べてるってw |
Galiba begenmedi hocam;D It seems like my teacher didn't like it a lot:D この顔ww |
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Dev Buda Heykeli Giant Buddha Statue 大仏だ |
Buda ile birlikte^^ With Buddha^^ 大仏とのポーズ |
Dua eden din adamlari Praying monks お祈りしていますね |
Enoshima treni^^ nasi tatli Train for Enoshima. It looks so cute^^ この電車すごいかわゆい^^ |
Enoshima'da Gokhan ve Seda^^ Gokhan and Seda are in Enoshima^^ 友達江ノ島が気に入ったな^^ |
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