4 gunluk Uskup ve Ohrid Gezimizden Fotolar ^^
Some photos from my 4-day-holiday in Skopje and Ohrid^^
4 gun de Ohrid'de konakladigim icin Ohrid'de kalacak yer arayanlara uygun fiyatta (sezonda 15 euro geceligi (yaklasik 40TL) hostel onerim: http://www.booking.com/hotel/mk/apartmani-stars.html
Merkeze yuruyerek 5 dk :)
I stayed in Ohrid for four days, so if you are looking for an accommodation in Ohrid, I can recommend you this place: http://www.booking.com/hotel/mk/apartmani-stars.html
It was cheap like 15 euros/night 5 mins from the centre on foot.
一泊一人15ユーロ (1800円ぐらい)で広場から歩いて五分で結構良かったよー
Ohrid ana cadde Main street in Ohrid オフリド有名な通り |
Ohrid'den fotolar Some photos from Ohrid オフリドの写真 |
Makedon birasi^^ ucuz ve guzel! Beer in Macedonia^^ It was cheap and yummy! マケドニアのビール、美味しくて安い! |
Kofte imis ^^ Kind of Meatball^^ ミートボールなんだってw |
Evler gayet geleneksel^^ Houses look really traditional^^ 家とかすごく伝統的で^^ |
Ohrid'den fotolar Some photos from Ohrid オフリドの写真 |
Ohrid Kalesinden fotolar Some photos from Ohrid Castle オフリド城からの写真 |
Ohrid Kalesinden fotolar Some photos from Ohrid Castle オフリド城からの写真 |
Ohrid Kalesinden fotolar Some photos from Ohrid Castle オフリド城からの写真 |
Plaoshnik Kilisesi Plaoshnik Church Plaoshnikという教会 |
Makedon Kahvesi Macedonian Coffee マケドニアのコーヒ |
Ohrid Antik Tiyatrosu Ancient Theatre of Ohrid オフリドの昔の劇場 |
Sokaklar muhtesem^^ Streets are fascinating^^ 道全部きれいー^^ |
Sokaklar muhtesem^^ Streets are fascinating^^ 道全部きれいー^^ |
Korili Tavuk^^ Chicken with curry sauce^^ チキンカレーなんだって^^ |
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Ohrid'den fotolar Some photos from Ohrid オフリドの写真 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid^^ |
St. Naum Manastiri St. Naum Monastery 聖ナウム修道院 |
Tavuskuslari geziyordu St Naum sokaklarinda:D Peacocks walking freely in the streets of St. Naum:D 聖ナウム修道院の道でクジャク自由に歩いてたw |
Bu botlarla geziyorsunuz^^ You can get on this boat^^ こういう感じの船乗っていけますー |
St. Naum sokaklari^^ Streets of St.Naum 聖ナウム修道院の道! |
Ohrid Golunde yuzenler^^ Swimmers in Ohrid Lake^^ オフリド湖で泳いでる方^^ |
Soguk su kaynagi Spring 泉 |
Soguk su kaynagi Spring 泉 |
Soguk su kaynagi Spring 泉 |
Gercekten muhtesemdi Ohrid Golu ve Dogasi Ohrid Lake and the nature was amazing really オフリド湖も自然も綺麗すぎたマジ |
Uskup'teki Matka Kanyonu Matka Canyon in Skopje スコピエ マトカ キャニオン |
Uskup'teki Matka Kanyonu Matka Canyon in Skopje スコピエ マトカ キャニオン |
Uskup'teki Matka Kanyonu Matka Canyon in Skopje スコピエ マトカ キャニオン |
Makedonya usulu kuru fasulye! Enfes:D Macedonian style Haricot Beans:D Yummy! マケドニア的な白豆のご飯!うまい^^ |