4 gunluk Uskup ve Ohrid Gezimizden Fotolar ^^
Some photos from my 4-day-holiday in Skopje and Ohrid^^
4 gun de Ohrid'de konakladigim icin Ohrid'de kalacak yer arayanlara uygun fiyatta (sezonda 15 euro geceligi (yaklasik 40TL) hostel onerim: http://www.booking.com/hotel/mk/apartmani-stars.html
Merkeze yuruyerek 5 dk :)
I stayed in Ohrid for four days, so if you are looking for an accommodation in Ohrid, I can recommend you this place: http://www.booking.com/hotel/mk/apartmani-stars.html
It was cheap like 15 euros/night 5 mins from the centre on foot.
一泊一人15ユーロ (1800円ぐらい)で広場から歩いて五分で結構良かったよー
Ohrid ana cadde Main street in Ohrid オフリド有名な通り |
Ohrid'den fotolar Some photos from Ohrid オフリドの写真 |
Makedon birasi^^ ucuz ve guzel! Beer in Macedonia^^ It was cheap and yummy! マケドニアのビール、美味しくて安い! |
Kofte imis ^^ Kind of Meatball^^ ミートボールなんだってw |
Evler gayet geleneksel^^ Houses look really traditional^^ 家とかすごく伝統的で^^ |
Ohrid'den fotolar Some photos from Ohrid オフリドの写真 |
Ohrid Kalesinden fotolar Some photos from Ohrid Castle オフリド城からの写真 |
Ohrid Kalesinden fotolar Some photos from Ohrid Castle オフリド城からの写真 |
Ohrid Kalesinden fotolar Some photos from Ohrid Castle オフリド城からの写真 |
Plaoshnik Kilisesi Plaoshnik Church Plaoshnikという教会 |
Makedon Kahvesi Macedonian Coffee マケドニアのコーヒ |
Ohrid Antik Tiyatrosu Ancient Theatre of Ohrid オフリドの昔の劇場 |
Sokaklar muhtesem^^ Streets are fascinating^^ 道全部きれいー^^ |
Sokaklar muhtesem^^ Streets are fascinating^^ 道全部きれいー^^ |
Korili Tavuk^^ Chicken with curry sauce^^ チキンカレーなんだって^^ |
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Ohrid'den fotolar Some photos from Ohrid オフリドの写真 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid'den fotolar (Ohrid Gölü) Some photos from Ohrid (Ohrid Lake) オフリドの写真 (オフリドの湖 |
Ohrid^^ |
St. Naum Manastiri St. Naum Monastery 聖ナウム修道院 |
Tavuskuslari geziyordu St Naum sokaklarinda:D Peacocks walking freely in the streets of St. Naum:D 聖ナウム修道院の道でクジャク自由に歩いてたw |
Bu botlarla geziyorsunuz^^ You can get on this boat^^ こういう感じの船乗っていけますー |
St. Naum sokaklari^^ Streets of St.Naum 聖ナウム修道院の道! |
Ohrid Golunde yuzenler^^ Swimmers in Ohrid Lake^^ オフリド湖で泳いでる方^^ |
Soguk su kaynagi Spring 泉 |
Soguk su kaynagi Spring 泉 |
Soguk su kaynagi Spring 泉 |
Gercekten muhtesemdi Ohrid Golu ve Dogasi Ohrid Lake and the nature was amazing really オフリド湖も自然も綺麗すぎたマジ |
Uskup'teki Matka Kanyonu Matka Canyon in Skopje スコピエ マトカ キャニオン |
Uskup'teki Matka Kanyonu Matka Canyon in Skopje スコピエ マトカ キャニオン |
Uskup'teki Matka Kanyonu Matka Canyon in Skopje スコピエ マトカ キャニオン |
Makedonya usulu kuru fasulye! Enfes:D Macedonian style Haricot Beans:D Yummy! マケドニア的な白豆のご飯!うまい^^ |
Hi Ozgu-chan,
Looks like you had one exciting journey! The ancient buildings made of stone do create a special atmosphere, don't they? I like your pictures of the city streets (especially those without people :-)). And pictures with water. Ah! I wanna jump in right away! Is it allowed? And food looks delicious. I wonder is it easy to cook the same thing at home. Doesn't look like rocket science. Did curry taste different from what you tried before?
And what language does Macedonia speak? How come I can read words on the beer bottle? And Matka Canyon! Is it Russian?
Next time can you also show some photos of $15 hotel room? I'm sure they have something I've never seen before.
Thank you for the comment! ^^
I really liked the atmosphere over there, I might even think of living there in the future ^^ Who knows~
Actually we were allowed to swim in the lake but not in the springs^^ You should visit it.
I think the food was quite similar to Turkish food, so it didn't taste any different to me.. but yeah curry was totally different from Indian curry you know ^^ and also it didn't taste like Japanese curry ^^
In Macedonia they speak Macedonian language ^^ and the alphabet is Cyrillic script, that's why you can read it i think.
and I will take the things you told me into consideration and try to take more professional pictures arranging the angle ^^
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