Takaya'ma sokaklarinda^^ On the streets of Takayama^^ 高山にプラプラしてる時〜 |
Tapinagin onunde ates yakip isinan amca^^ The old man who was trying to get warmer by making a fire in front of the temple~ お寺の前で暖かくなろうとしてるおじさん^^ |
Tapinagin icinde bir seyler oluyor^^ Something is happening inside the temple~ お寺の中で何か行ってるっぽい〜 |
Takayama cig etli sushisi ile meshur ^^ Tadi muhtesemdi~ Takayama is famous for its raw meat sushi~ It was one of the yummiest ever ^^ 高山ってなま肉の寿司有名〜めっちゃくっちゃうまいっす〜 |
Cig et sushisi satan dukkan~ The shop where you can try raw meat sushi~ なま肉の店だ! |
Takaya'ma sokaklarinda^^ On the streets of Takayama^^ 高山にプラプラしてる時〜 |
Takaya'ma sokaklarinda^^ On the streets of Takayama^^ 高山にプラプラしてる時〜 |
Tarihi evleriyle de meshurmus burasi~ Here is famous for its traditional old houses as well~ 昔の家もいっぱいあって有名らしいね〜 |
Bu da meshurdu:D Kiymali kizartma! :))) This was famous as well :D Minced meat fry^^ これなによりもうまかった!!ひき肉のフライ^^ |
Takaya'ma sokaklarinda^^ On the streets of Takayama^^ 高山にプラプラしてる時〜 |
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Garip bir heykel :D An interesting Sculpture:D 面白い彫刻w |
Tekrar cig et sushisi denedik:D We tried raw meat sushi again:D またまた食っちゃったわw |
Takayama'da aksam :) Night in Takayama:) 高山の夜〜 |
Bu kez izakayada wagyu :) This time we ate wagyu in a Japanese bar aka Izakaya~ 居酒屋の和牛肉だ! |
Yumurtali yosunlu bir Japon yemegi:D Kinda Japanese food with eggs~ 日本食うまいなw |
karides kizartmasi Shrimp fry エビフライ |
Yolu Takayama'ya dusenler mutlaka bu eti denemeli :) The people who have chance of visiting Takayama must try that meat! :) もし高山に行く方いたら、この肉食べるべきだ |
Izakaya 居酒屋 |
Sebzeli Japon eristesi~ Japanese noodles with vegetables~ そば^^ |
Tofu denilen fasulye~ This is bean aka Tofu~ 豆腐や〜 |
Kahvaltimizdi bunlar :) Our breakfast~ 朝ごはん〜 |
Kahvaltinin ustune maccha denilen yesil cay:D After having our breakfast, we drank green tea aka maccha :D 朝ごはん後に抹茶やさんに行って抹茶飲んだw |
Cok begendim Takayama'yi~ I really loved Takayama a lot~ 高山は本気で気にいった〜 |
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