Aslinda 6'da kapaniyormus dukkan, ama telefon edince, teyze dukkani kapattigini ama hala daha tatli patates kaldigini istersek oraya yemeye gidebilecegimizi soyledi. Biz de tatli patates sevdasina hemen yola koyulduk. Tokyo'daki en unlu tatli patatesciymis. Ayrica yazlari da buzlu dondurma konusunda bir numarali yermis ^_^ Yolu dusenler ve yemek isteyenler icin internet sitesi (tabelog)
After having our dinner at home, me, Burcu and Shotaro wanted to eat baked sweet potato as well. So I googled a bit and found the most famous baked sweet potato shop in Tokyo :D and then I called them, luckily, very cute lady answered me and said that she already closed the shop; however there are some sweet potatoes left, so she told us to go and eat there. After a minute, we were on the way to there :D It has the most delicious shaved ice in the summer as well. and yeah, if you have any opportunity to visit Sangenjaya, please visit this traditional place too! Here is the website (tabelog)
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