Odaiba'da Team Lab denilen bir sirketin, teknoloji ve sanati birlestirerek yaptiklari bir sergi vardi. 10 Mayis 2015'e kadar devam ettigi icin, yolu dusenler gidip gorsun bence^^ Sergi hakinda daha fazla bilgi icin
buraya tiklayabilirsiniz.
I went to an exhibition hold by a company called Team Lab. They combine art with technology and create wonderful works. It continues until the 10th of May, 2015, so if u have a chance, it is worth visiting^^ To get more information about the exhibition, please take a look at
its official page ^^
お台場にあるチームラボのやってるチームラボ 踊る!アート展と、学ぶ!未来の遊園に行ってきた。結構よかったー2015年5月10日まで続いてるのでもし機会があったら
Kucuk kare bloklardan, bilgisayar programlamasiyla interaktif resim yapmislar. Dokundugunuzda bloklar degisiyor. Here is an interactive picture made by square blocks by computer programming. If you touch the pic, these blocks change. これってインタラクティブな絵で触ると変わってゆく。しかもコンピュータープログラムで作られたらしい〜 |
Oncelikle resmi istediginiz gibi boyuyorsunuz, sonra resmi bilgisayarda tarayip, dev ekrana hareketli sekilde yansitiyorlar. First of all, you color the picture as you like and after scanning it, your fish can be seen in the huge screen^^ これすごかった^^自分の好みで絵に色つけてるから、その絵スキャンして、でっかい画面で見える。しかも 本当の魚みたいに動いてる^^ |
Oncelikle resmi istediginiz gibi boyuyorsunuz, sonra resmi bilgisayarda tarayip, dev ekrana hareketli sekilde yansitiyorlar. Alttaki fotoda, bu baligin ekrandaki halini gorebilirsiniz^^ First of all, you color the picture as you like and after scanning it, your fish can be seen in the huge screen and surprisingly, it is moving like a real fish :D これすごかった^^自分の好みで絵に色つけてるから、その絵スキャンして、でっかい画面で見える。しかも 本当の魚みたいに動いてる^^ |
Yukarida aciklamasini yazdim^^ I explained about that above^^ 上で説明しました^^ |
Seksek oyunu ^^ Bastiginiz anda sekil degistiriyor^^ Hopscotch^^ When you step on the blocks, it changes into something different^^ けんけんぱ^^ブロックに踏んだら、形変わる^^ |
Ekranda kanji dedikleri harfler cikiyor ve onlara dokununca, dokundugunuz harfin anlaminda resim cikageliyor. Mesela 空 sora diye yazilan gokyuzu kanjisine dokununca butun oda gokyuzu sekline burunuyor ^^ Kanji's aka Chinese characters show up in the screen and when you touch these kanjis, the screen turns into the that specific kanji's meaning. For example, if you touch the 空 sora which is knows as sky, the room turns into a sky ^^ この画面でいろんな漢字出てくる。その出てきた漢字に触ると画面はその漢字の意味の写真に変わる。 例えば空の漢字に触ると部屋は空みたいに変わる^^ |
Bunda da resmi istediginiz gibi boyuyorsunuz, sonra kendi boyadiginiz resmi ekranda gorebiliyorsunuz^^ You color this picture as you like again, and then it appears in the screen^^ この写真もさっきの魚みたいに好きな色をぬってから、でっかい画面で見えてくる^^ |
3 boyutlu olarak ekrana gelmis olan uzay aracim ^^ My space vehicle seemed on the screen as 3D ^^ 私の色ぬった宇宙船3Dとして見えますな^^ |
Ekrana dokununca farkli resimler gozukuyor ^^ When you touch the screen, the pictures change ^^ 画面に触ると写真変わる^^ |
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