Sunday, April 12, 2015

Istiridye Restorani, Oyster Restaurant, かき殻荘 三軒茶屋店

Restoran fotolarindan once, evimin yakinlarinki yuruyus yolundan birkac foto^^
Before adding restaurant photos, I wanted to show you some photos from the walking trail around my home^^

Yagmura ragmen dokulmeyen kiraz cicekleri^^
Cherry blossoms that didn't fall in spite of the rain^^
Bu ne cicegi bilmiyorum; ama acikcasi hosuma gitti ^^
I don't know what kind of flower this is; however I like how beautiful it looks actually ^^

Istiridye sevenler icin guzel bir restoran tanitacagim ^_^ Bakmak isteyenler buradan restoran hakkinda bilgi alabilir :))

I will write about an oyster restaurant that I went yesterday. If you ever wanna have oyster in Tokyo, take a look at this resturant^^ :))

今日は三茶のかき殻荘という店の紹介しますwかきが好きな方いたらどうぞレストランのリンクです ^^

1 kilo istiridye :D
1 kilogram of oyster :D

Aslinda cig istiridye de yeniyor; ama en son cig istiridye yedigimde mideme dokunmus sabaha kadar soylemesi ayip cikartmistim :D Bu sebeple bir suredir cig istiridye yiyemiyorum:D O yuzden bu kez hepsini pisirtip yedik ^^

Many Japanese people love to eat raw oysters. However, the last time I ate raw oyster, i had a food poison and stayed in the toilet until the morning and kept throwing up:D so this time we had all the oysters steamed.


Restorandan bi goruntu^^
A photo from the restaurant^^
Insanlardan habersiz foto cekmek kotu de mi?! (ozur dilerim ^^;)
It is a bad behaviour to take people's photos without asking, right?! (I am sorry^^;)

Pistikten sonra ^^
After being steamed^^
Denemek isteyen? ^__^
Who wanna try? ^__^


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