Monday, April 20, 2015

Pilavla Köri Yemeği, Curry Rice, とんがらし三軒茶屋

Evimin yakinlari restoran dolu oldugu icin, her hafta farkli yerlere gitmeye calisiyorum^^ Bu kez de 80 yasina yakin bir teyzenin tek basina calistigi bir kori yemegi dukkanina gittim ^^ Bu tatli teyzenin yemegini denemek isteyenler icin iste link^^

As there are many restaurants around my house, I always try to visit a different one each and every week:D This time, I went to a curry rice restaurant which has been run by an old lady around her 80s in Sangenjaya^^ If you want to taste this cute lady's curry-rice, here is the link for you^^


Niye tek calisiyorsunuz, yorulmuyor musunuz? diye sordum teyzeye, gormuyor musun mutfak minicik dedi :D
I asked the lady why she has been working alone, and she said that the kitchen is way too tiny for two people:D
Menu. Ne alirsan 900 yen (19TL)
Menu. Everything costs 900 yen (8.5dollars)
Cok tatli ^^
She is cute indeed^^

Salata ve pilav^^
Rice and salad^^

Kori yemegi ^^
Curry meal^^
Yemek ustune ikram edilen jole tatlisi^^
She served us jelly after we are done with the curry^^

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