Friday, May 8, 2015

Futako Tamagawa Rise, 二子玉川ライズ・テラスマーケット

Evden bir istasyon uzakliktaki bir yerde (Futako Tamagawa Istasyonu) yeni alisveris merkezi yapmislar, binalarin tepesine de teras bahce yapmislar. Merak edip gidip, sizin icin de biraz fotolar cektim ^^

They built a new shopping place near Futako Tamagawa station and there was a nice garden terrace on top of the buildings. So in order to satisfy my curiosity, I went to that place and took some photos for you guys ^^


Standlar kurulmus, bir kalabalik bir kalabalik >_<
Many stalls around. but it was too crowded >_<
Alisveris merkezinin az ilerisindeki park :)
There was a nice park just few meters away from the shopping place :)

Hava da guzeldi sansima ^^
The weather was good luckily^^
Parktan manzaralar^^
A view from the park^^
Parktan manzaralar^^
A view from the park^^

Binaya resmen kucuk havuzlu bahce yapmis adamlar ^^
A garden on the building that has a nice pond as well^^

Futako Tamagawa istasyonu, merkezden biraz uzak oldugu icin, henuz cok fazla bina yapilmamis^^
As Futako Tamagawa station is a bit far from the central areas, there were not many structures built around ^^

Burasi da binanin tepesi:D
Here is the top of the building:D

Bu cok hosuma gitti ^^ Kucuk cocuklar, bocekleri tanisinlar diye, boyle mini mini bocek sergileyicileri yapmislar^^ Icine de olu bocekleri dizmisler :)))
I really liked that idea. This is kind of a display for the children so that they learn about the small insects :)) (hope you see the dead insects there :D )

Gezdikten sonra da boyle eski pusku bir cafeye gittim. Disi da ici de epey eskiydi. Ancak fiyatlar cook pahaliydi. Sinir oldum T_T Neyse :) yolu dusup gitmek isteyenler icin link ^^

After walking around a lot, I went to a cafe which looks very tatty; in fact it was tatty inside too :D but the prices were a bit high for me :p but anyway the atmosphere was decent at least:D if you ever wanna visit it, here is the link for you^^


Tokyo'da boyle terasli kafeler cok az var, o yuzden aslinda hosuma da gitti burasi^^ keske biraz daha ucuz olsa :p
Since there are limited terrace cafes in Tokyo, actually I may like this place ^^ but i wish it was cheaper :p

Yengecli makarna^^
Spaghetti with crabs in it^^

Risotto denilen Fransiz yemegi :D cok azdi ama yaa :(
Risotto ^^ It was not enough at all :(

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