Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Enoshima^^ 江ノ島^^

Trenin icine manga koymuslar^^ okuyarak yolculuk yapabiliyorsunuz^^
You can enjoy reading manga on your way to Enoshima^^

Japonya'da trenler cok seker^^
Trains in Japan are so cute^^

Istasyon cikisindaki sus kuslara kiyafet giydirmisler^^
You can find such a cute view once you go out of the station in Enoshima^^

Enoshima Sahili^^
Enoshima Beach^^

Yuruyus yolu~
Walking path~

Haftasonlari Enoshima epey kalabalik oluyormus><
Enoshima is too crowded at the weekends ><

Karides Gevrek :D
Shrimp Crackers

O kadar tatlilardi ki dayanamadim foto cektim^^ poz da verdiler:))
They were so cute that i couldnt help asking whether i can take their pics or not^^

Yolu dusenler mutlaka ziyaret etmeli Enoshima'yi^^
If you ever have a chance of visiting Japan, think of going to Enoshima too^^

Bu su da paranizi yikiyorsunuz, paraniz bereketleniyor:D
If you wash your coins in this water, you will get richer^^

Ibadet sirasi ;D
People are waiting in line to worship^^

Enoshima'dan sahile inerkenki yoldan fotolar^^
Some photos from the walking path that takes you to near the sea^^

Enoshima'dan sahile inerkenki yoldan fotolar^^
Some photos from the walking path that takes you to near the sea^^

Enoshima'ya gelirseniz eger, yurume yolundan yukarilara cikip oralarda yemeginizi yiyin^^ Hem manzara guzel hem de kalabalik degil yukarilar. asagilar deli gibi kalabalik oldugu icin saatlerce sirada bekliyorsunuz.
If you ever come to Enoshima, do never eat your lunch in the main street. There you have to wait in the line for a long time. and if you go up to the mountain, there are better restaurants over there and you can eat your lunch by this scenery ^^

Restorandan manzara^^
Scenery from the restraurant^^

Pilav ustu cesit cesit big balik :D Cidden harika! Deneyin (onyargiya hayir!! :D)
Various raw fish on top of rice ^^ Please try it without any prejudice :D

Pilav ustu cig uskumru seti~
Mackerel on top of rice^^

Yuruyus yolunda tepeye ciktiktan sonra, bir de inise geciyorsunuz sonra da boyle guzel manzara gorebiliyorsunuz:p
Once you go to the top, you start descending towards the sea and then you can see such a nice view^^

Gencler yengec ariyor:p
Young people are searching for a crab ^^

Asagida bi de magara var^^ girip gorebilirsiniz ^^
There is a cave once you go down^^

Magarada eskiden kalma Buda anıtları
Buddha monument in the cave that have been there since the ancient times^^
Burdaki davulu bi kez calip ejderhaya dogru selam cakiyorsunuz ~
After beating the drum, you greet the dragon~
Bu da kaplumbagaya benzeyen tastan bahsediyor~
Here it talks about the rock that looks like a turtle~

Gercekten de benziyoo:D
It really looks similar:D

Simdiki Enoshima vs Yillar onceki Enoshima
Enoshima at the moment vs Enoshima years ago

Su epey soguktu ama cocuk atlamis suya o.O
The sea was cold indeed, but there you can see a young boy waiting in the water o.O
Gun batimina dogru~
Enjoying sunset~

Friday, June 12, 2015

KitchHike, キッチハイクとは?

Bugun Kitchhike adli startup hakkinda yazacagim^^ Kitchhike, gittiginiz ulkelerde yerel yemegi vb denemek istiyorsaniz, kullanabileceginiz bir olusum. Mesela, Tokyo'ya gelip, ev sushisi denemek isterseniz, siteden birine mesaj atiyorsunuz, eger o kisi de musaitse sizi evine aliyor ve sushi yiyerek kultur aktarimi yapiyorsunuz ^^ Yada ulkemize gelen kisilere Turk yemegi yaparak hem para kazaniyorsunuz hem de arkadas ediniyorsunuz ^^ Ilgisi olanlari buradan alalim :)

Today I want to introduce you guys to a new startup called Kitchhike. Kitchhike is more or less like Couchsurfing, but the difference is you send messages to people via Kitchhike to ask them if they can serve you local food in their houses^^ Also you can use it in your hometown. Thus you can not only earn some money but also meet new people interested in your FOOD! ^^ For example, if you come to Tokyo and wanna try home-made sushi, you can send a Japanese person a mail asking whether he-she is available to invite you for Sushi! If you are interested in it, here is the link for you:)


KitchHike tanitimi icin, Turk yemegi cekmeye gelmislerdi ^^
TV producers came to my place to publicise KitchHike and took photos of my food^^

Bu da Huffingtonpost'ta yayinlanan kucuk bir soylesi ^^ Japonca gerci >_<
Here is a short interview and the introduction about my food. It is Japanese tho >_<

Cakma iskender dicem olmayacak, ev yapimi iskender:D
This is iskender, famous Turkish food made of lamb meat :D Below you can see the bread softened by the butter, then lamb meat in between. The sauce is made of tomato paste and yoghurt. Fried tomato and green pepper as topping:D
まず、パンをバターで焼いてから羊肉も入れます。全部焼いてから皿に置きます。その間は、トマトとシシトウを焼きます。ソースではSalcaというトルコのトマトペースト使った。このSalcaも油でちょっと焼きます。そのあとは、バンは一番下で次は肉置いて、その次は焼いたトマトペーストのせます。あとは、ヨグルト!もちろん甘くないヨグルトだよwwトッピングはトマトとシシトウ!私はスパイスも大好きだから、いっぱいこしょう、オレガノ、ミントとか入れましたw。とにかくAfiyet olsun :D

Burda uzum yapragi yemiyor Japonlar :( Ben de bunu internette zar zor yabanci mallar satan bir sitede buldum. Epey sertti yaprak, o yuzden yumusamasi icin cokca pisirdim, icini hazirladim sardim derkene yaprak mundar oldu fln >< ama tadi guzel dedi yiyenler :p
This is Sarma, again traditional Turkish food.
Sarma is a dish of grape, cabbage, chard leaves rolled around a filling usually based on minced meat.
まじもったいない!!w 中には米、ひき肉、玉ねぎ、トマトなど入れて煮る^^美味しいやで!

Mozaik pasta ^^
Mosaic Cake^^
モザイック ケーキ^^

Yemekler buz gibi oldu T_T
All the food got as cold as ice T_T eat it guys T_T
Hele sukur yiyor ^^
She is finally eating^^

Saturday, June 6, 2015

TCG Gediz (F495) Japonya'da, Turkish Naval Forces TCG GEDIZ, トルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズ

Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri'nde hizmet etmekte olan Gabya sınıfı fırkateynlerden biri olan TCG Gediz bugun Tokyo'daydi :) Japonlar da gemiye ve Turk askerlerine buyuk ilgi gosterdi. Ben de, gemiye gelen Japonlar'a lokum ve Turk kahvesi dagitmaya gittim :p

Turkish Navy's ship TCG Gediz is in Tokyo now^^ Japanese people came to visit the ship and Turkish soldiers. Actually, the interest and curiosity of Japanese people to Turkish navy was much more than I expected ^^ I was there to serve Turkish delight and coffee for Japanese people ^^

トルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズは今日東京にきてます! 日本人は船の中に入っていろいろ観察できた!^^誰わざわざ来ないかと思ったら、意外といっぱいの人が来てくれて、船に入るために何時間も並んでくれました!私も来てくれる人にトルコのコーヒとトルコのお菓子を出すために行きました!^^めっちゃいい思い出になった!!

Sabah geldigimizde kimse olmaz saniyorduk. Saat 9.30'da boyle uzun bir sira vardi. Herkes gemiye girmek icin bekliyordu:D
I thought there would be noone in the morning, but surprisingly, at 9.30 am, these many people were waiting in line to go aboard the ship:D
Karsinizda TCG Gediz (F495)
Here is TCG Gediz (F495)
どうぞトルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズです^^

Karsinizda TCG Gediz (F495)
Here is TCG Gediz (F495)
どうぞトルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズです^^

Bu da Japon gemisi. Bu bayrak da Japonya deniz kuvvetlerinde kullanilan bayrakmis. (Duzeltme, special thanks to bir grup cinli arasindaki iskandinav^^;)
Japanese Naval Forces Ship. there you can see the Flag of the Imperial Japanese Navy ^^
Turk komutanlarindan ^^
Turkish Commander^^
Gruplar halinde iceri giren Japonlar, Turk askerleriyle muhabbet edip, gemiyi gezdiler^^
Japanese were talking to Turkish soldiers and walking around the ship~

Bu Japon abi ilgincti. Konusan kurbagasi ile gelmis. Lokum alirken de kurbaganin agziyla lokumlari tuttu fln :D
This guy was funny^^ He came with his speaking-cute-frog and he made his frog get the Turkish delights for him :D

Ogle yemegimi de eklemeden edemedim:D Pilav ustu cig balik ve balik corbasi ^^
I couldn't help adding my lunch ^^ Raw fish on top of rice and fish soup^^
Ogle yemegimizden dondugumuzde, insanlar hala daha boyle sirada bekliyordu:D Daha kuyrugun devami var:))
We came back to the ship after eating our lunch and still there were these many people waiting in the queue. There are more people actually whom you can see in the next picture ^^
Kuyrugun devami^^
Yeah, more people :D

Geminin icinde Ataturk Resimleri ^^
Ataturk pictures inside the ship^^

Turk bayragina sarili Japon ablayi gorenler?
Who can see the Japanese woman wearing a Turkish flag?

Japon kizlari Turk erkeklerine epey ilgi gosteriyordu^^
Japanese women wanted to take photos with Turkish men^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Seni yerim <3
She is holding a Turkish flag^^ sooo cute <3
トルコの国旗持ってるかわいい子^^ <3

Silahli asker~
Soldier holding a rifle~

Gemiyi gezen Japonlar^^
Japanese who are visiting the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Ataturk <3

Gemiyi gezen Japonlar^^
Japanese who are visiting the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Kaptanlarin spor alani^^
Gym area for the captains^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Guzel bir gundu benim icin de~ Hem bir suru insanla tanistim, hem de Turkiye hakkinda insanlara bilgi verdik^^
It was a great day for me^^ I not only met many people but also taught them about Turkey^^

Cikarken de sertifika aldik^^
We got our certificates while leaving the ship^^

Ainu Müzesi Porotokotan, Ainu Museum Porotokotan, アイヌ民族博物館

Öncelikle Ainu insanları hakkında biraz bilgi vereyim.   Japonya'nın kuzeyinde bulunan Hokkaido Adası, Kuril Adaları ve Sakalin'in y...