Saturday, June 6, 2015

TCG Gediz (F495) Japonya'da, Turkish Naval Forces TCG GEDIZ, トルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズ

Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri'nde hizmet etmekte olan Gabya sınıfı fırkateynlerden biri olan TCG Gediz bugun Tokyo'daydi :) Japonlar da gemiye ve Turk askerlerine buyuk ilgi gosterdi. Ben de, gemiye gelen Japonlar'a lokum ve Turk kahvesi dagitmaya gittim :p

Turkish Navy's ship TCG Gediz is in Tokyo now^^ Japanese people came to visit the ship and Turkish soldiers. Actually, the interest and curiosity of Japanese people to Turkish navy was much more than I expected ^^ I was there to serve Turkish delight and coffee for Japanese people ^^

トルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズは今日東京にきてます! 日本人は船の中に入っていろいろ観察できた!^^誰わざわざ来ないかと思ったら、意外といっぱいの人が来てくれて、船に入るために何時間も並んでくれました!私も来てくれる人にトルコのコーヒとトルコのお菓子を出すために行きました!^^めっちゃいい思い出になった!!

Sabah geldigimizde kimse olmaz saniyorduk. Saat 9.30'da boyle uzun bir sira vardi. Herkes gemiye girmek icin bekliyordu:D
I thought there would be noone in the morning, but surprisingly, at 9.30 am, these many people were waiting in line to go aboard the ship:D
Karsinizda TCG Gediz (F495)
Here is TCG Gediz (F495)
どうぞトルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズです^^

Karsinizda TCG Gediz (F495)
Here is TCG Gediz (F495)
どうぞトルコ海軍フリゲート F-495ゲディズです^^

Bu da Japon gemisi. Bu bayrak da Japonya deniz kuvvetlerinde kullanilan bayrakmis. (Duzeltme, special thanks to bir grup cinli arasindaki iskandinav^^;)
Japanese Naval Forces Ship. there you can see the Flag of the Imperial Japanese Navy ^^
Turk komutanlarindan ^^
Turkish Commander^^
Gruplar halinde iceri giren Japonlar, Turk askerleriyle muhabbet edip, gemiyi gezdiler^^
Japanese were talking to Turkish soldiers and walking around the ship~

Bu Japon abi ilgincti. Konusan kurbagasi ile gelmis. Lokum alirken de kurbaganin agziyla lokumlari tuttu fln :D
This guy was funny^^ He came with his speaking-cute-frog and he made his frog get the Turkish delights for him :D

Ogle yemegimi de eklemeden edemedim:D Pilav ustu cig balik ve balik corbasi ^^
I couldn't help adding my lunch ^^ Raw fish on top of rice and fish soup^^
Ogle yemegimizden dondugumuzde, insanlar hala daha boyle sirada bekliyordu:D Daha kuyrugun devami var:))
We came back to the ship after eating our lunch and still there were these many people waiting in the queue. There are more people actually whom you can see in the next picture ^^
Kuyrugun devami^^
Yeah, more people :D

Geminin icinde Ataturk Resimleri ^^
Ataturk pictures inside the ship^^

Turk bayragina sarili Japon ablayi gorenler?
Who can see the Japanese woman wearing a Turkish flag?

Japon kizlari Turk erkeklerine epey ilgi gosteriyordu^^
Japanese women wanted to take photos with Turkish men^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Seni yerim <3
She is holding a Turkish flag^^ sooo cute <3
トルコの国旗持ってるかわいい子^^ <3

Silahli asker~
Soldier holding a rifle~

Gemiyi gezen Japonlar^^
Japanese who are visiting the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Ataturk <3

Gemiyi gezen Japonlar^^
Japanese who are visiting the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Kaptanlarin spor alani^^
Gym area for the captains^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Gemiden fotolar^^
Some photos from the ship^^

Guzel bir gundu benim icin de~ Hem bir suru insanla tanistim, hem de Turkiye hakkinda insanlara bilgi verdik^^
It was a great day for me^^ I not only met many people but also taught them about Turkey^^

Cikarken de sertifika aldik^^
We got our certificates while leaving the ship^^

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