Bu pazarimi Yokohama ve Sakuragicho'da gecirdim^^ Simdi Japonya'da yagmur mevsimi oldugu icin, bol yagmurlu ve ilaveten bol kasvetli bir gundu T__T
I spent my Sunday in Yokohama and Sakuragicho this week. Now it is a rainy season in Japan, so today, the weather was awful full of gloom T__T
Burasi Sakuragicho istasyonundan yuruyerek 5 dakika. Eger ki okyanusu gormek istiyorsaniz, bu istasyonda inmenizi tavsiye ederim^^ Here takes around 5 minutes from Sakuragicho station on foot. It you wish to see the ocean, I recommend you get off in this station^^ 桜木町から歩いて5分行ったら海も見えるし〜景色も綺麗し〜 |
Kirmizi tugladan yapilan depolar. 100 yil oncede beri varmis^^ Red Brick Warehouse, a major tourist spot in Yokohama. Here there are two historical buildings constructed more than a century ago. 横浜赤レンガ^^ |
Foto siyah beyaz degil :(( Bu derece kasvetliydi bugun Tokyo.. This photo does not have a black-and-white filter.. You understand what I mean with gloomy, right?! :(( 白黒の写真ではなく、今日の横浜だ。。これ見て凹むしかないや!>< |
Daha sonra Yokohama Cin Mahallesine gectik de, biraz renk geldi hayata:D Biraz degil galiba epey renk geldi:D Her yer kipkirmizi!! After seeing the gloomy ocean, we went to China Town where we got enlivened with red color:D too much red colour huh?!:D 黒い海の後に中華街に来た!人生また白黒から赤くなって、いいなと思ったら、今回は赤すぎやんと思ってww |
Rengarenk :D Multicolored ^^ カラフル^^ |
Her yer Cin restorani dolu^^ Full of Chinese restaurants^^ 中華料理いっぱい^^ |
Biraz da arka sokaklara girelim^^ Let's take a look at backstreets^^ 裏道も行ってみよーw |
Cin yemegi zamani ^^ Kiymali borek~ Time to eat Chinese food^^ minced meat in savoury pastry^^ 中華料理の時間だ! |
Tatli karides yemegi~ Sweet shrimp food~ 甘いエビ料理〜
portakal soslu tavuk ve tursu~ chicken with orange sauce and pickles^^ オレンジソースのチキンと漬け物〜 |
Shoronpo denilen etli hamur yemegi. icinde azcik bi corbasi da var :D ilk olarak onu icip sonra etini yiyebiliyorsunuz. buharda yapiliyormus~ Xiaolongbao is a type of steamed dumpling^^ and it is called Shoronpo in Japanese~ first you eat the soup in it then you can joyfully eat the meat ^^ 小籠包だ〜美味しかった。初めて食べたと思う^^ |
Tofu denilen bir cesit fasulyeden yapilan kiymali yemek~ This is made of Tofu which is known as kind of soybeans and it also includes minced meat~ マボ豆腐だ! |
kopek baligi corbasi~ guzeldi! :) Bence onyargisiz denemelisiniz:D Shark fin soup! you should absolutely try it without any prejudice! :D フカヒレスープだwこんなに美味しいと思わなかった。でもホントにうまいよん! |
Chahan denilen Cin pilavi~ Chinese rice aka Chahan~ チャハン^^ |
Ne tatlisi bilmiyorum ama guzeldi ^^ I don't know what sweet it is but I liked the taste^^ なんのデザートかわからんけど美味しかった〜 |
Tart en meshur burada diye duydum, hemen denedim. Cidden guzeldi. 1 tane kesmedi, ikinciyi de yedim >_< I heard that the most famous pie in Chinese town is sold there, so I couldnt help trying! :D It was sooo yummy that 1 pie was not enough for me, I ate the second one as well :D 中華街で一番有名なパイはここにあると聞いて、すぐ試してみたーまじうまかった。一個食べる予定だったんやけど、いつの間に二個目もお腹に入ってしまった><w
Bu tatli, Cin mahallesine tekrar gitmek icin sebebim :D This sweet is my inducement to go to Chinese town again:D 中華街にもう一回行くための理由だこのデザートw |
Donus yolunda denk geldigimiz tapinak^^ The temple we came across on the way back to the station^^ 帰り道に見つけたお寺〜 |
Iceride ibadet edenler de var~ There are people worshipping inside~ お祈りしてる 方もいるんだ〜 |