Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Odawara ^^, 小田原^^

3 yildir Tokyo'dayim, nedense Odawara'ya hic gitmemistim. Halbuki Tokyo'dan 1.5 saat fln suruyor. Hem de epey guzel bir yermis^^
I have been living in Tokyo for 3 years but I have never visited Odawara so far, i do not know why. It takes 1,5 hours from Tokyo by train^^

Odawara Kalesi'ne giderken^^
On the way to Odawara Castle^^

Japon babam :) Turkiye'ye gelmislerdi, orada tanistik kaynastik, sagolsun o zamandan beri gercek bir baba gibi ilgileniyor benimle^^ Bu geziyi de o organize etti zaten ^^
He is my Japanese father. We met in Turkey 4 years ago and since then he has been taking care of me like a real father^^
I had the chance of visiting Odawara thanks to him^^

Duvardaki kare ve ucgen delikler nicin varmis ogrendim. Eskiden dusmanlar geldiginde, o deliklerden dusmanlari okla tabanca ile vuruyorlarmis~
I found out for the first time why there are holes on the wall. It is because, in old times, when the enemies come to the castle, soldiers were able to kill them from these holes with their arrows or guns~

Yagmur mevsimi bittigi icin hava asiri sicakti T_T ama manzara gormeye degerdi:)
As the rainy season has come to an end, it was a too hot and humid day T_T but the view was worth seeing!^^

Odawara denize cok yakin oldugu icin deniz urunleri cok meshurmus^^
Ben de bol bol cig balik yedim ^^
As Odawara is very closed to sea, sea food is very famous over there. That's why I ate too much raw fish^^ So yummy, believe me:D
小田原って海近いので、刺身とか有名らしく。なので、いっぱい食ってしまったなw 美味しいもんね!

Pismis balik da vardi :p
You can have cooked fish as well :p

Kaleye dogru ^^
On the way to the castle^^

Eski savasci kiyafetleri~
Traditional clothes for the warriors~

Yukatali kiz gorunce, dayanamayip foto cekmek icin izin istiyorum^^
Whenever I see a lady wearing a yukata, I can't help asking for a photo^^

Duvarlarin icini once bambu agaci ile saglamlastirip, sonra toprakla tutturup yapiyorlarmis~
this is how they make the walls by using bamboo trees and soil~

Kaleye az kaldi^^
A little more  till the castle^^

Sonunda vardik! Ama icinde tamirat oldugu icin giremedik T_T
We arrived eventually, but unfortunately it was under construction T_T

Savasci kiyafetlerini, cuzi bir miktar odeyerek deneyebiliyorsunuz^^
btw you can try warrior clothes by paying just pennies^^

Nasil da yakismis, masallah ^^
The clothes look wonderful on her^^

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