Monday, May 23, 2016

Takao Dağı, Mt. Takao, 高尾山

Takaosanguchi istasyonunda inerek Takao Dagina tirmanmaya baslayabilirsiniz^^
You should get off in Takaosanguchi station and then you can start climbing up to mountain ^^

Daga cikarken karsimiza cikan heykeller~
We came accross this while climbing up to mountain~

Dag yollari^^
Mountain path^^

Dag yollari^^
Mountain path^^

Dagda yururken, karsima 50'ye yakin ogrenci ve ogretmenleri cikti^^
Ilkokul bir cocuklari gibi duruyolardi. Yanlarindan gecerken hepsi tek tek
"konnichiwa, hello" fln dedi :) nasi sekerler <3

While I was walking on the path, I came across with primary school students and their teachers.
They were saying "konnichiwa, hello'' to me while I was passing by ^^ so cute <3


Sonunda tepede ^^ yaklasik 2 saat surdu buraya kadar :)
Finally on top of the mountain. It took around 2 hours ^^

Haftaici oldugu icin fazla insan yoktu sansima. Haftasonu dagin tepesi bile cok kalabalik oluyormus><
I was lucky because I went there on the weekday and there were not many people. I heard that if it were weekend, there would be many many people even on the top of the mountain ><

Dag sebzelerinden olusan sulu eriste ^^
Noodles including mountain vegetables ^^

Temizlik yapan insan heykeli
Cleaning boy monument


Tepeden Tokyo'ya bakis ^^
Looking over Tokyo from the top ^^

Dag yolunda karsimiza cikan tapinak ^^
We came across temple on the way to the top^^

Dagin tepesinde bu tapinak da ^^
This temple is also on top of the mountain ^^

Cikarken cok yoruldugum icin donuste teleferik kullandim. Bu da teleferige giderkenki yol^^
I was so tired that I did not want to go down on foot, so I used ropeway. This is the way to the ropeway ^^

Takao dagi'nda bir de sadece maymunlardan olusan hayvanat bahcesi vardi. Yolu dusenler gidebilir.
You can visit monkey zoo on Takao-san ^^

Teleferigi de denemenizi tavsiye edebilirim. Agaclarin icinden cok guzel yollardan geciyorsunuz^^
I can recommend you to use ropeway also. The view and the environment consisting of trees was amazing^^

Dagdan inince asagida hediyelik esya satan dukkanlar, cay icip tatli yiyebileceginiz mekanlar mevcut^^
There are souvenir shops and cafes where you can drink tea and eat sweets once you go down.

Yolu Takao dagi'na dusenlere bir tavsiye daha: cok guzel bir onsen (hamam) var. 1000 yen (24 TL) girisi ^^
Butun yorgunlugu aliyor:)
If you ever visit Takao-san, you should absolutely try this onsen (hotspring). It costs around 1000 yen (10 dollars).
It relieves tiredness ^^

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